Shouichi Ashikawa
Shouichi Ashikawa is the resident Kamen Rider of the World of Agito in Kamen Rider Decade. Shouichi also possesses some of the same equipment used within the original Agito, such as the Alter Ring transformation belt, which holds the "Seed of Agito" that serves as the source of his power. Kamen Rider Decade's Final Form Ride allows him as Agito to change into Agito Tornador, a hoverboard similar to the Machine Tornador in Slider Mode.
Before he assumed the title Agito, he previously assumed the title Kamen Rider Exceed Gills (on his first appearance) and Kamen Rider G3 (as shown in Kamen Rider Decade episode 13).
Somehow he mysteriously meta-morphed into Kamen Rider Gills, a larval form of Agito. In this form, he is able to perform the finisher Exceed Heel Claw by restricting his enemy with the Gills Stingers, Exceed Gills performs the Gills Heel Claw attack, tearing the enemy in two with the devastating force of his overhead heel drop. Possesses approx. 45 tons of force. In Kamen Rider Decade series, he is only shown that he transformed into Exceed Gills instead of normal Gills on his first appearance. This might be explained because the original Gills suit had sustained severe water damage.
Publication Information
- Riders : Exceed Gills
- Japanese : 仮面ライダーギルス
- Version : A.R.World
- Head height : 200 centimeters (6ft 5in)
- Base weight : 100 kilograms (220.4lbs)
- Punching power : 15t
- Kicking power : 30t
- Maximum jump height : 65m (213ft 2in) (broad)
- Maximum running speed : 100m/4.2s (328ft/5sec)
- Vision : 20 km approx. (12.4 miles)
- Hearing : 20 km approx. (12.4 miles)
- Defense Rating : 5
- Protagonist : Shouichi Ashikawa
- Gender : Male
- HomeWorld : Earth (World of Agito)
- Season : Kamen Rider Decade
- First Appeareance : Kamen Rider Decade Episod 12 : Reunion: Project Agito
- Last Appeareance : Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider W & Decade : Movie War 2010
- Number of Appeareance : 2 (Kamen Rider Decade), 1 (Movie)
- Potrayer : So Yamanaka
- Main View : Full Episod
Before he assumed the title Agito, he previously assumed the title Kamen Rider Exceed Gills (on his first appearance) and Kamen Rider G3 (as shown in Kamen Rider Decade episode 13)
Exceed Gills Users: Related Post : Source : wikipedia / kamenrider.wikia