The World of Kabuto is the alternate reality where a version of Kamen Rider Kabuto takes place. The backdrop used to enter this world depicts Tokyo Tower with an arm outstretched in homage to Souji Tendou's "walking the path to heaven" pose.
Within this A.R. World, Tsukasa assumes the role of a ZECTrooper and given the ability to see in Clock Up space. Daiki's treasure in this world is the Clock Up System. After helping the DenLiner gang in the past, Cho Kamen Rider Den-O & Decade Neo Generations: The Onigashima Warship Tsukasa and company began their venture in the World of Kabuto. Posing as a ZECTrooper, Tsukasa was deployed to aid Bright Troopers in the containment of a Worm as Kamen Riders Gatack and TheBee managed to exterminate it with the unseen aid of Kabuto.
Publication Information
- Dimentional : World of Kabuto
- Japanese : カブトの世界
- Version : A.R.World
- Season : Kamen Rider Decade
- Main View : Full Episod
Soon after, Tsukasa brought Arata to the Studio to explain about his world, only to find a Worm had mimicked Tsukasa's form. After Natsumi used the pressure point to expose one of the Tsukasas as a Worm, Decade fought it before it attacked a girl and was destroyed by Kabuto. Deciding to investigate the girl Mayu, they hosted a photo shoot for her, and Natsumi learned of Mayu's older brother who was supposedly killed by Kabuto.
At ZECT's headquarters, TheBee's user, Sou Otogiri, told Arata that the final prepation for the plans to capture Kabuto were nearly done. Tsukasa talked with Mayu more about her brother after attempting to help at her grandmother's oden shop, the Heaven House, and when walking back to the Hikari Studio they were attacked by a Geophilid Worm. Tsukasa destroyed it as Kuuga Pegasus Form, and was then attacked by TheBee and Gatack.
Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider W & Decade : Movie War 2010
Souji later appears to help revive Tsukasa in Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider W & Decade: Movie War 2010 and battles Super Shocker, assuming Hyper Form as a result of Decade's K-Touch and later into his Zecter Kabuto form with the All Rider Final Form Ride Card to fight the Super Crisis Fortress.
- Riders
- Villians
- Worms