Kamen Rider Amaki (Heavenly Demon Masked Rider Amaki) is a character in the 2009 Kamen Rider Series, Kamen Rider Decade. Amaki appears in the World of Hibiki, but was not present in Kamen Rider Hibiki as Kamen Rider Amaki.
Akira is Ibuki's apprentice and his Ongekidō: Ibuki Style as one of his best students. During Gyuki's rampage, she transforms into Amaki and fights alongside Todoroki in order to save their friend Asumu, all without Ibuki's permission. Braving his displeasure later, she and Todoroki convince Ibuki and Zanki that combining the three schools would be the best thing for the future of Ongekidō.
With Tsukasa's help, they convince their masters, and she is promoted from apprentice to teacher. However, she later ends up in the World of the Rider War with Asumu and Todoroki before being killed off by Saga. She is then seen along with Todoroki and Asumu in Kamen Rider Decade: Final Chapter, after Kiva-la destroys Decade and his sacrifice revives all the lost. In Decade, Amaki resembles Ibuki, except for being shorter with lighter blue coloring. In the S.I.C toy line, Amaki ("Transformed Akira") has silver instead of gold armor and accessories.
Publication Information
- Oni : Kamen Rider Amaki
- Japanese : 仮面ライダー天鬼
- Type : Oni
- Version : A.R.World
- Known As : Akira
- Gender : Female
- Related : Ibuki : Master
- HomeWorld : Earth (World of Habiki)
- Season : Kamen Rider Decade
- First Appeareance : Kamen Rider Decade Episode 18 : Idle Hibiki
- Last Appeareance : Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider W & Decade : Movie War 2010
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Nana Akiyama
- Main View : Full Episod
- Akira
- Akira is Ibuki's apprentice and his Ongekidō: Ibuki Style as one of his best students. During Gyuki's rampage, she transforms into Amaki and fights alongside Todoroki in order to save their friend Asumu, all without Ibuki's permission.
- Kamen Rider Amaki
- Rider Height :
- Rider Weight :
- Punching Power :
- Kicking Power :
- Maximum Jump Height :
- Maximum Running Speed :
- Finisher Power :
- In this form, Amaki is a blue Oni. To assume this form, Akira blows into her whistle and air gathers around her like a tornado, causing her body to transform into that of an Oni. Amaki also gains a second "oni face" which is a crest that forms on her forehead.
- Transformation Whistle : Onteki (Sound Whistle) : by using special sound waves. She blows into the whistle and places it in front of her forehead forming an Oni face as a whirlwind covers her as she transforms.
- Ongekikan : Reppu (Sound Attack Tube : Gale) : usually used in its "gun mode" it fires Oniishi which shells out a heavy amount of damage to the enemy.
- Ongekimei : Narukaze (Sound Attack Echo : Crying Wind) and a mouthpiece that completes Reppu's "trumpet mode" to perform the:
- Ongekisha : Shippu Issen (Sound Attack Shoot: Gale Flash), the Oniishi are then ignited by Sound of Purification through the Reppū as Amaki inhales deeply then begins blowing through the trumpet. The waves of wind and sound engulf the large Makamou, reacting to the tracking shots fired by Amaki before the initial attack. Finally the trumpet creates a large wave which destroys the Makamou.
- Original Version : Akira Amami