Haruka Miwa is a young woman who resists Fourteen as Kamen Rider Larc. She took part in the operation to overthrow Fourteen and ended up escaping with Shin when the operation was a failure.
Since then, she has been on the run from Fourteen's minions. She helps fill Tsukasa in on what is currently happening in her world.
Haruka and Shin are good friends as well as fighting partners and they cannot trust anyone else. Junichi used to work with Haruka until he got controlled by Fourteen. Haruka is constantly running away from people controlled by Fourteen and the Roaches because she wants to break this world's rule. Haruka does not have anywhere to live so she travels around with Shin.
Publication Information
- Decade : Haruka Miwa
- Japanese : 三輪 春香
- Version : Kamen Rider Decade Series
- Type : A.R.World Ace Riders
- Known as : Kamen Rider Larc
- Gender : Female
- Affiliation : Kamen Rider Diend
- HomeWorld : Earth (World of Diend)
- Season : Kamen Rider Decade
- First Appearance : Kamen Rider Decade Episod 22 : Wanted : Diend
- Last Appearance : Kamen Rider Decade Episod 23 : End of Diend
- Number of Appearances : 2 (Decade)
- Portrayer : Yoko Mitsuya
- Main View : Full Episod
Net movie
Kamen Rider Decade : All Riders Super Spin-off : Petition! Kamen Rider Tackle!!
Kamen Rider Larc is cited as an example of a female Rider in the Kamen Rider Decade: All Riders Super Spin-off net movie, Petition! Kamen Rider Tackle!!, by Daiki Kaito when Natsumi claims all the Riders they've met are male, with Tsukasa noting that they met Larc.
Kamen Rider Larc
- Main Article : Kamen Rider Larc
- Origin : Earth (World of Diend)
- Version : Kamen Rider Decade Series
- Type : A.R.World Ace Riders
- Height :
- Weight :
- Punching Power :
- Kicking Power :
- Maximum Jump Height :
- Maximum Running Speed :
- Senses :
- Defense :
- Finisher :
- Armed : Larc Rouzer
- Appearances : Decade Episod 22-23
- It is not revealed how she, Junichi Kaito and Shin Magaki got their Larc, Glaive and Lance buckle respectively.
Device: Weapons: See also:
- Main Articles : Natsumi Miwa : Original Version