Publication Information
- Decade : Kamen Rider Zolda
- Japanese : 仮面ライダーゾルダ
- Version : Kamen Rider Decade Series
- Type : A.R.World Riders
- Victory rate :
- Known as : Lawyer, Prosecutor (Original Series)
- Gender : Male
- HomeWorld : Earth (World of Ryuki)
- Season : Kamen Rider Decade
- Appeareance : Decade Episod 6-7
- Voice Actor :
- Main View : Full Episod
Kamen Rider Zolda, One of the Riders who fight in the Kamen Rider Trial of the World of Ryuki, Zolda uses the power of his Contract Monster Magnugiga. He is a public prosecutor who sees Natsumi guilty for the murder of Reiko Momoi. Zolda is first seen fighting Kamen Rider Tiger, removing him from the trial, with his Giga Launcher. He is later seen firing his Giga Cannon at Decade and Knight, throwing both of them out of the Mirror World. What happens to him after that point is unknown.
Zolda is a master of ranged combat, and the only one whose forte is ranged combat. He uses his Magna Visor and Strike Vent on closer enemies, while destroying his opponents with his heavy artillery in two different Shoot Vents: A bazooka and twin turrets.
His defense surpasses even Ryuki, as he has two Guard Vents: Twin pauldrons called the Giga Tector and a shield called the Giga Armor, leading to a total of three shields. However, Zolda is weaker in close range, and his Final Vent may be spectacular, but its long charge time prevents it from reliably killing Riders. His far-range style also cannot be duplicated, as proven when Goro, Kitaoka's butler, died battling Ouja, while when Kitaoka was Zolda, Ouja could barely touch him.
Kamen Rider Zolda
- Kamen Rider Zolda
- Origin : Earth (World of Ryuki)
- Type : A.R.World Rider
- Height: 192cm
- Weight : 110kg
- Senses : 20km
- Maximum Running Speed : 100m/7s
- Maximum Jump Height : 15m
- Punching Power : 15t
- Kicking Power : 15t
- Defense :
- Finisher :
- Armed : Magna Visor
- Appeareance : Decade Episod 6-7
- Like other A.R. Ryuki Riders that appeared in Kamen Rider Decade, Since the original Zolda, Shuichi Kitaoka, was already a lawyer; the alternate universe Zolda is the only one of the A.R Ryuki Riders to share the same profession as the original.
Device: Weapons: Contract Monster: See Also: Related Post : Source : wikipedia / kamenrider.wikia